Wildwood Weed Karaoke - Jim Stafford

Tämä tallenne on cover-versio kappaleesta Wildwood Weed, jonka teki tunnetuksi Jim Stafford

Sisältää seuraavat tiedostomuodot:


CDG formaatti (jota myös kutsutaan nimellä CD+G or MP3+G) on yhteensopiva useimpien karaokelaitteiden kanssa. Se sisältää MP3 raidan ja sykronoidut lyriikat.

MP4 tiedostot toimivat ongelmitta MAC OS X ja Windows7:ssä.
Jos käytät Windows XP:tä tai Vistaa, toistoon soveltuu Windows Media Player 12.

Tämä tiedostomuoto sopii ilmaiseen KaraFun Windows Player-ohjelmaan,. Sen avulla voit kytkeä päälle tai pois taustalaulun ja ohjelaulun sekä muuttaa sävellajia tai tempoa.

Ostosi antaa sinulle oikeuden ladata ostamaasi videota niin paljon kuin haluat kaikissa näissä tiedostomuodoissa.


Tempo: vaihtelee (temmossa 90 BPM)

Samassa sävellajissa kuin alkuperäinen: C

Kesto: 02:40 - Esikuuntele: 01:10

Julkaisuvuosi: 1974
Tyylilajit: Country, Englanniksi
Säveltäjät: Don Bowman, Jim Stafford

Kaikki tallennettavat tiedostot ovat taustanauhoja, ne eivät ole alkuperäisiä äänitteitä.

Sanat Wildwood Weed

Name of this song is the Wildwood Flower
Now the Wildwood Flower's an old country classic
It's gained a whole new popularity
The song isn't any more popular but the flower is doin' real good
The wildwood flower grew wild on the farm and we never knowed what it was called
Some said it's a flower some said it's a weed
I didn't give it much thought
One day I was out there talkin' to my brother and I reached down for a weed to chew on
Things got fuzzy and things got blurry and then everything was gone
Didn't know what happened but I knew it beat the hell out of sniffin' burlap
I come to and my brother was there and he said
What's wrong with your eyes
I said I don't know
I was chewin' on a weed
He said Let me give it a try
I spent the rest of that day and most of that night tryin' to find my brother Bill
Caught up with him about six o'clock the next mornin' naked, singin' on the wind mill
He said he flew up there
Had to fly and get him down
He was about half crazy
The very next day we picked a bunch of them weeds and we put 'em in the sun to dry
And we mashed 'em up and we cleaned 'em off and put 'em in the corncob pipe
Smokin' that wildwood flower's got to be a habit
We never seen no harm
We thought it was kinda handy
Take a trip and never leave the farm
Big ol' puff of that wildwood weed
Next thing you know you're just wanderin' 'round behind the little animals
All good things gotta come to an end and it's the same with the wildwood weeds
One day this feller from Washington came by and spied 'em and turned white as a sheet
And he dug and he burned and he burned and he dug
And he killed all our cute little weeds
Then he drove away
We just smiled and waved
Sittin' there on that sack of seeds
Y'all come back now ya hear

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