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Airplanes Karaoke - B.o.B & Hayley Williams

Tämä tallenne on cover-versio kappaleesta Airplanes, jonka teki tunnetuksi B.o.B
saavutus. Hayley Williams (Paramore)

Sisältää seuraavat tiedostomuodot:


CDG formaatti (jota myös kutsutaan nimellä CD+G or MP3+G) on yhteensopiva useimpien karaokelaitteiden kanssa. Se sisältää MP3 raidan ja sykronoidut lyriikat.

MP4 tiedostot toimivat ongelmitta MAC OS X ja Windows7:ssä.
Jos käytät Windows XP:tä tai Vistaa, toistoon soveltuu Windows Media Player 12.

Tämä tiedostomuoto sopii ilmaiseen KaraFun Windows Player-ohjelmaan,. Sen avulla voit kytkeä päälle tai pois taustalaulun ja ohjelaulun sekä muuttaa sävellajia tai tempoa.

Ostosi antaa sinulle oikeuden ladata ostamaasi videota niin paljon kuin haluat kaikissa näissä tiedostomuodoissa.


Versiossa on mukana taustalaulajia (taustalauluilla tai ilman KFN versiossa)

Sama tempo kuin alkuperäisessä: 93 BPM

Samassa sävellajissa kuin alkuperäinen: F♯m

Kesto: 03:01 - Esikuuntele: 01:12

Julkaisuvuosi: 2010
Tyylilajit: R&B, Englanniksi
Alkuperäinen lauluntekijä: B.O.B., Alex Da Kid, Justin Franks, Tim Sommers, Kinetics

Kaikki sivustomme sisältö on muusikoidemme studiossa täysin jäljennetty. Emme käytä alkuperäisten äänitteiden osia emmekä hyödynnä tekoälyyn perustuvaa stem-erotusteknologiaa millään tavalla.

Sanat Airplanes

Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night sky like shooting stars
I could really use a wish right now
Wish right now wish right now
Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night sky like shooting stars
I could really use a wish right now
Wish right now wish right now
Yeah, I could use a dream or a genie or a wish
To go back to a place much simpler than this
'Cos after all the partyin' and smashin' and crashin'
And all the glitz and the glam and the fashion
And all the pandemonium and all the madness
There comes a time where you fade to the blackness
And when you're staring at that phone in your lap
And you hoping but them people never call you back
But that's just how the story unfolds
You get another hand soon after you fold
And when your plans unravel and they sayin' what would you wish for if you had one chance
So airplane airplane sorry I'm late
I'm on my way so don't close that gate
If I don't make it that then I'll switch my flight
And I'll be right back at it by the end of the night
Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night sky like shooting stars
Shooting stars wish right now wish right now, wish right now
I could really use a wish right now
Wish right now wish right now
Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night sky like shooting stars
Shooting stars wish right now
I could really use a wish right now wish right now, wish right now
Wish right now wish right now
Yeah, yeah, somebody take me back to the days
Before this was a job before I got paid
Before it ever mattered what I had in my bank
Yeah back when I was tryin' to get into the subway
And back when I was rappin' for the hell of it
But now a days we rappin' to stay relevant
I'm guessin' that if we can make some wishes outta airplanes
Then maybe yo maybe I'll go back to the days
Before the politics that we call the rap game
And back when ain't nobody listened to my mix tape
And back before
I tried to cover up my slang
But this is for the Cada what's up Bobby Ray
So can I get a wish to end the politics
And get back to the music that started this shit
So here I stand and then again I say
I'm hopin' we can make some wishes outta airplanes
Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night sky like shooting stars
Shooting stars wish right now wish right now, wish right now
I could really use a wish right now
Wish right now wish right now
Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night sky like shooting stars
Shooting stars wish right now
I could really use a wish right now wish right now, wish right now
Wish right now wish right now
I could really use a wish right now
Oh, oh, oh, oh
I, I, I could really use a wish right now
Shooting stars
I could really use a wish right now a wish, a wish right now

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