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All of the Lights Karaoke - Kanye West & Rihanna

Tämä tallenne on cover-versio kappaleesta All of the Lights, jonka teki tunnetuksi Kanye West

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CDG formaatti (jota myös kutsutaan nimellä CD+G or MP3+G) on yhteensopiva useimpien karaokelaitteiden kanssa. Se sisältää MP3 raidan ja sykronoidut lyriikat.

MP4 tiedostot toimivat ongelmitta MAC OS X ja Windows7:ssä.
Jos käytät Windows XP:tä tai Vistaa, toistoon soveltuu Windows Media Player 12.

Tämä tiedostomuoto sopii ilmaiseen KaraFun Windows Player-ohjelmaan,. Sen avulla voit kytkeä päälle tai pois taustalaulun ja ohjelaulun sekä muuttaa sävellajia tai tempoa.

Ostosi antaa sinulle oikeuden ladata ostamaasi videota niin paljon kuin haluat kaikissa näissä tiedostomuodoissa.


Versiossa on mukana taustalaulajia (taustalauluilla tai ilman KFN versiossa)

Sama tempo kuin alkuperäisessä: 71 BPM

Samassa sävellajissa kuin alkuperäinen: B♭m

Laulu alkaa acapella osuudella

Kesto: 05:04 - Esikuuntele: 01:23


Julkaisuvuosi: 2011
Tyylilajit: Rap & Hip-Hop, R&B, Englanniksi
Alkuperäinen lauluntekijä: Fergie, Kanye West, Trotter Warren, Jeff Bhasker, Malik Yusef El Shabazz Jones, Kid Cudi

Kaikki tallennettavat tiedostot ovat taustanauhoja, ne eivät ole alkuperäisiä äänitteitä.

Sanat All of the Lights

Turn up the lights in here baby
Extra bright I want y'all to see this
Turn up the lights in here baby
You know what I need want you to see everything
Want you to see all of the lights
Fast cars shooting stars all of the lights all of the lights
Until it's Vegas everywhere we are
If you want it you can get it for the rest of your life
If you want it you can get it for the rest of your life
Something wrong
I hold my head
MJ gone our nigga dead
I slapped my girl she called the feds
I did that time and spent that bread
I'm heading home
I'm almost there
I'm on my way heading up the stairs
To my surprise a nigga replacing me
I had to take him to that ghetto university
All of the lights
Cop lights flash lights spot lights strobe lights street lights
All of the lights all of the lights
Fast life drug life thug life rock life every night
Turn up the lights in here baby
Extra bright I want y'all to see this
Turn up the lights in here baby
You know what I need want you to see everything
Want you to see all of the lights
Restraining order can't see my daughter
Her mother brother grand mother hate me in that order
Public visitation we met at Borders
Told her she take me back
I'll be more supportive
I made mistakes
I bump my head
Courts sucked me dry
I spent that bread
She need a daddy baby please
Can't let her grow up in that ghetto university
All of the lights
Cop lights flash lights spot lights strobe lights street lights
All of the lights all of the lights
Fast life drug life thug life rock life every night
Turn up the lights in here baby
Extra bright I want y'all to see this
Turn up the lights in here baby
You know what I need want you to see everything
Want you to see all of the lights
Getting mine baby gotta let these niggas know yeah
Get it right baby you should go and get your own
Getting mine baby gotta let these niggas know yeah
Get it right baby you should go and get your own
Unemployment line credit card declined
Did I not mention I was about to lose my mind
And also was about to do that line
Okay okay you know we going all the way this time
We going all the way this time
We going all the way this time
We going all the way this time
We going all the way this time
Turn up the lights
Turn up the lights in here baby in here baby
Extra bright I want
Extra bright I want y'all to see this y'all to see this
Turn up the lights
Turn up the lights in here baby in here baby
You know what I need
You know what I need want you to see everything want you to see everything
Want you to see
Want you to see all of the lights all of the lights
I tried to tell you but all I could say was oh oh
I tried to tell you but all I could say was oh oh
I tried to tell you but all I could say was oh oh
I tried to tell you but all I could say

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