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Harder to Breathe Karaoke - Maroon 5

Tämä tallenne on cover-versio kappaleesta Harder to Breathe, jonka teki tunnetuksi Maroon 5

Sisältää seuraavat tiedostomuodot:


CDG formaatti (jota myös kutsutaan nimellä CD+G or MP3+G) on yhteensopiva useimpien karaokelaitteiden kanssa. Se sisältää MP3 raidan ja sykronoidut lyriikat.

MP4 tiedostot toimivat ongelmitta MAC OS X ja Windows7:ssä.
Jos käytät Windows XP:tä tai Vistaa, toistoon soveltuu Windows Media Player 12.

Tämä tiedostomuoto sopii ilmaiseen KaraFun Windows Player-ohjelmaan,. Sen avulla voit kytkeä päälle tai pois taustalaulun ja ohjelaulun sekä muuttaa sävellajia tai tempoa.

Ostosi antaa sinulle oikeuden ladata ostamaasi videota niin paljon kuin haluat kaikissa näissä tiedostomuodoissa.


Versiossa on mukana taustalaulajia (taustalauluilla tai ilman KFN versiossa)

Sama tempo kuin alkuperäisessä: 150 BPM

Samassa sävellajissa kuin alkuperäinen: C♯m

Kesto: 02:54 - Esikuuntele: 01:15

Julkaisuvuosi: 2002
Tyylilajit: Rock, Pop, Englanniksi
Alkuperäinen lauluntekijä: Jesse Royal Carmichael, Adam Levine, Ryan Michael Dusick, Mickey Madden, James Valentine

Kaikki sivustomme sisältö on muusikoidemme studiossa täysin jäljennetty. Emme käytä alkuperäisten äänitteiden osia emmekä hyödynnä tekoälyyn perustuvaa stem-erotusteknologiaa millään tavalla.

Sanat Harder to Breathe

How dare you say that my behavior's unacceptable?
So condescending unnecessarily critical
I have the tendency of getting very physical
So watch your step 'cos if I do you'll need a miracle
You drain me dry and make me wonder why I'm even here
This double vision
I was seeing is finally clear
You want to stay but you know very well
I want you gone
Not fit to fuckin' tread the ground that
I am walking on
But when it gets cold outside and you got nobody to love
You'll understand what I mean when I say there's no way we're gonna give up
And like a little girl cries in the face of a monster that lives in her dreams
Is there anyone out there?
'Cos it's getting harder and harder to breathe
Is there anyone out there?
'Cos it's getting harder and harder to breathe
What you are doing is screwing things up inside my head
You should know better you never listened to a word I said
Clutching your pillow and writhing in a naked sweat
Hoping somebody someday will do you like I did
But when it gets cold outside and you got nobody to love
You'll understand what I mean when I say there's no way we're gonna give up
And like a little girl cries in the face of a monster that lives in her dreams
Is there anyone out there?
'Cos it's getting harder and harder to breathe
Is there anyone out there?
'Cos it's getting harder and harder to breathe
And does it kill?
Does it burn?
Is it painful to learn that it's me who has all the control?
Does it thrill?
Does it sting when you feel what I bring?
And you wish that you had me to hold
When it gets cold outside and you got nobody to love
You'll understand what I mean when I say there's no way we're gonna give up
And like a little girl cries in the face of a monster that lives in her dreams
Is there anyone out there?
'Cos it's getting harder and harder to breathe
Is there anyone out there?
'Cos it's getting harder and harder to breathe
Is there anyone out there?
'Cos it's getting harder and harder to breathe

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