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What Is This Feeling? Karaoke - Wicked (musical) (Idina Menzel & Kristin Chenoweth)

Tämä tallenne on cover-versio kappaleesta What Is This Feeling?, jonka teki tunnetuksi Wicked (musical)

Sisältää seuraavat tiedostomuodot:


CDG formaatti (jota myös kutsutaan nimellä CD+G or MP3+G) on yhteensopiva useimpien karaokelaitteiden kanssa. Se sisältää MP3 raidan ja sykronoidut lyriikat.

MP4 tiedostot toimivat ongelmitta MAC OS X ja Windows7:ssä.
Jos käytät Windows XP:tä tai Vistaa, toistoon soveltuu Windows Media Player 12.

Tämä tiedostomuoto sopii ilmaiseen KaraFun Windows Player-ohjelmaan,. Sen avulla voit kytkeä päälle tai pois taustalaulun ja ohjelaulun sekä muuttaa sävellajia tai tempoa.

Ostosi antaa sinulle oikeuden ladata ostamaasi videota niin paljon kuin haluat kaikissa näissä tiedostomuodoissa.


Versiossa on mukana taustalaulajia (taustalauluilla tai ilman KFN versiossa)

Tempo: vaihtelee (temmossa 76 BPM)

Samassa sävellajissa kuin alkuperäinen: D♭, F, G

Kesto: 03:27 - Esikuuntele: 02:20

Julkaisuvuosi: 2003
Tyylilajit: Musikaalit & Broadway, Englanniksi
Alkuperäinen lauluntekijä: Stephen Schwartz

Kaikki sivustomme sisältö on muusikoidemme studiossa täysin jäljennetty. Emme käytä alkuperäisten äänitteiden osia emmekä hyödynnä tekoälyyn perustuvaa stem-erotusteknologiaa millään tavalla.

Sanat What Is This Feeling?

There's been some confusion over rooming here at Shiz
There's been some confusion over rooming here at Shiz
But of course I'll care for Nessa
But of course I'll rise above it
For I know that's how you'd want me to respond
For I know that's how you'd want me to respond yes yes
There's been some confusion for you see my roommate is
There's been some confusion for you see my roommate is unusually
And exceedingly peculiar and all together quite impossible to describe
What is this feeling so sudden and new?
I felt the moment
I laid eyes on you
My pulse is rushing
My head is reeling
My face is flushing
What is this feeling? fervid as a flame
What is this feeling? fervid as a flame
Does it have a name?
Does it have a name?
Loathing unadulterated loathing unadulterated loathing
For your face
Your clothing
Your voice let's just say let's just say
I loathe it all
Every little trait
I loathe it all
Every little trait how ever small how ever small
Makes my very flesh begin to crawl
Makes my very flesh begin to crawl
With simple utter loathing
With simple utter loathing
There's a strange exhilaration in such total detestation
There's a strange exhilaration in such total detestation it's so pure, so strong it's so pure, so strong
Though I do admit it came on fast
Though I do admit it came on fast still I do believe still I do believe
That it can last
And I will be loathing
That it can last
And I will be loathing loathing you my whole life long loathing you my whole life long
Dear Galinda you are just too good
How do you stand her
I don't think I could
She's a terror, she's a Tartar we don't mean to show a bias
But Galinda you're a martyr
Tthese things are sent to try us
Poor Galinda, forced to reside with someone so disgusticified
We just want to tell you we're all on your side
What is this feeling so sudden and new?
What is this feeling so sudden and new?
I felt the moment
I felt the moment
I laid eyes on you
My pulse is rushing
I laid eyes on you
My pulse is rushing my head is reeling my head is reeling
Oh what is this feeling?
Does it have a name?
Oh what is this feeling?
Does it have a name?
Yes ah
Yes ah
There's a strange exhilaration
There's a strange exhilaration in such total detestation in such total detestation
It's so pure, so strong though I do admit
It's so pure, so strong though I do admit it came on fast it came on fast
Still I do believe that it can last
Still I do believe that it can last and I will be and I will be
Loathing for forever loathing truly deeply
Loathing for forever loathing truly deeply
Loathing you
Loathing you
My whole life long
My whole life long

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